E.H.P. (Engine Heat Protection) is a space age ceramic material used for insulating components from unwanted heat sources, such as engine pipes, mufflers, cooling sytems, and generator compartments, etc. It is available in many configurations to meet your needs structurally, cosmetically, and physically, for use as a high temperature heat barrier. Many of the E.H.P. materials can also be used as noise barriers. Its heat insulation characteristics are very similar to acoustic insulation qualities, thereby minimizing noise/sound intrusion. E.H.P. materials can be used in almost any applications where heat (and noise) need to be minimized, including Street Rods, Antique Automobiles, Airplanes, Boats, RV’s, Trucks, Buses, Motorhomes, Commercial Buildings, Industry and even in the Home.
Specialized products are available
for all your insulation needs.